he legendary STEREO CHORUS FLANGER was the first TC Electronic product. Ever! Our founder, who is also a musician, was annoyed with the quality of effect pedals available back in the 70s – they were just so noisy. So, being an engineer, he set out to design a pedal that would live up to his expectations and high standards. That was how the SCF was born all the way back in 1976, and the rest is history as they say. But hey! No one said the story was over. On the contrary, we’re adding to that history. In fact, it has come full circle and we’re really entering a new era of the SCF tales. Please meet SCF GOLD – a legendary pedal to be! Once the original SCF was launched and tons of guitarists had embraced it and included it in their rigs, the nickname for this marvelous modulation gem soon became "The Sound of Silence" due to its complete lack of… noise! Well, we’re pleased to say that the reissued SCF GOLD version also remains absolutely true to its predecessor in terms of off-the-charts signal to noise ratio – unwanted noise is simply not an issue!
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